Nice Computer Aided Machining China photos

Nice Computer Aided Machining China photos

Check out these computer aided machining images:

Solid Edge ST4 Mesh Options 01

Image by Siemens PLM Software
Simulation Mesh Options

A new “four corner mesh” option in Solid Edge ST4 Simulation creates a more uniform mesh around irregular shaped faces of parts. Notice the original mesh, shown transparently, has non-uniform mesh elements. Using the new option creates an orderly mesh with well shaped elements giving users more accurate results from

Solid Edge ST4 Multi CAD With JT

Image by Siemens PLM Software
Multi-Cad Using Lightweight JT

Solid Edge includes powerful collaboration and data management tools leveraging Teamcenter Express. New capabilities in ST4, leverage lightweight JT data created from just about any CAD system for faster assembly design. This images shows how a JT assembly from PTC is added to a Solid Edge assembly in a unique stand-alone structure editor. The assembly can then opened in Solid Edge where the JT data from PTC is then positioned with other Solid Edge parts. Companies can design better in a multi-cad environment.

teh Shiny

Image by jvansanten
After years and years as a beige-slab drone, my friend Abby finally sprang for a 12" PowerBook. She’s smitten as a kitten, and has named her new machine "teh Shiny." She now drinks so much of Uncle Steve’s Kool-Aid that she thinks widgets are a good idea.