Nice Ultrasonic Machining photographs

Nice Ultrasonic Machining photographs

Check out these ultrasonic machining photos:

Ultrasonic axle testing

Image by (Mick Baker)rooster
82301 was due an ultrasonic axle test. Covers removed so to obtain access to the axle ends, exactly where the probes are placed.
The probes along with the machine then ultrasonically look for fatigue in the axles which would result in failure. This was offered the all clear as have been the rest of the axles on this vehicle.
A activity carried out on a mileage basis which is a legal requirement for all train operators.

Ultrasonic sandwich cutter

Image by Millitec Meals Systems
rapidly, correct automatic cutting

Millitec’s Ultra-cut represents a major leap forward in cutting technologies and it is the 1st ultrasonic sandwich cutting machine.

Machine is operating

Image by jimgskoop
You can’t truly inform anything’s taking place just by hunting, but it tends to make a loud buzzing sound.